Playgrounds for kindergartens
Unlike the playgrounds for public use aiming to create game opportunities for children at different ages, these sites try to create conditions for playing for a small group of children at the same age. In this sense, it is desirable: ●to provide such facilities that unite children's playing by the possibility of communication and themed games; ●some of the facilities to have an educational character that is achieved by the so called “interactive games”; ●if possible to provide a competitive nature to some games and entertainment, e.g. double skating, overcoming obstacles, keeping balance and others. Since preschool teachers have accumulated rich experience in this field, it would be good, when selecting or configuring a specific playground, to take account of their views and wishes. This will result in a playground with many game and educational opportunities.
Playgrounds for children 1 - 12 y.o.
These playgrounds are designed for children up to 3 years as well as for children from 3 to 12 years. Each of them has conditional areas for both age groups, where the corresponding facilities are located. In most cases, these sites need a fence, benches and litter bins as well as an information board, which we can provide.
Playgrounds - Public